Also last week, the Maryland Insurance Commissioner released the premium rates for the individual health care plans to be sold through the state's insurance exchange in October. The premiums are much lower than originally estimated and are among the lowest of the states who so far have released cost information for their exchange options.
For the week of July 29th through August 4th:
- On Monday, July 29th, the Alcoholic Beverages Article Review Committee meets to continue the review of special venue licenses at 5pm in the Judiciary Training Room at 2009F Commerce Park Drive in Annapolis.
- On Tuesday, July 30th, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) will publish the monthly Metropolitan Area Employment and Unemployment figures for June 2013.
- Also on Tuesday, the Council for the Procurement of Health, Education, and Social Services meets at 1:30 pm in room 241 of the House Office Building at 6 Bladen Street in Annapolis. The meeting subject is state procurement.
- Later on Tuesday, the Maryland Health Care Commission Center for Information Services and Analysis will be holding its third meeting of the Performance Practitioner Measurement Work Group from 3pm to 5pm at the Maryland Health Care Commission building at 4160 Patterson Avenue in Baltimore.
- On Wednesday, July 31, the Capital Debt Affordability Committee gathers at 1:30pm in the Assembly Room (114-116) at the Goldstein Treasury Building on 80 Calvert Street in Annapolis to conduct a legislative review and to examine the size and condition of tax-supported debt.
- Later on Wednesday, the Workgroup on Access to Habilitative Services Benefits meets from 2pm-4pm in the Maryland Insurance Administration Hearing Room on the 24th floor of St. Paul Plaza at 200 St. Paul Place in Baltimore.
- On Friday, August 2, BLS will issue its Employment Situation report for July.