Monday, January 30, 2012

The Week Ahead

Monday, January 30th
  • House Education and Economic Development Subcommittee looks at higher education.  3pm in room 145 in the House Office Building.
Tuesday, January 31st
  • Department of Legislative Services (DLS) will give a fiscal briefing to the House Environmental Matters Committee at 10:30am.
  • MBTPI director Neil Bergsman will discuss the budget on Midday with Dan Rodricks at noon on WYPR (88.1 FM).  Ron Wineholt, the Maryland Chamber of Commerce Vice President for Government Affairs, joins Dan and Neil.
  • Senate Education, Business, and Administration Subcommittee meets to discuss a variety of issues, including the Interagency Committee on School Construction. 1pm in 3 West, Miller Senate Office Building.
  • Senate Health and Human Services Subcommittee meets to discuss the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and the Health Benefit Exchange.  1pm in the Amoss Room, Miller Senate Office Building.
  • Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee will hold a hearing on the Civil Marriage Protection Act (SB 241) starting at 1pm.  All Senate Bills relating to same-sex marriage will be heard on this date.  Testimony will be limited to 2 hours per side.
  • DLS will give a fiscal briefing to the Senate Capital Budget Subcommittee on the capital budget.  4pm in room 3 West, Miller Senate Office Building, Annapolis.
Wednesday, February 1st
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics releases December 2011 employment figures for metropolitan areas.
  • House Appropriations Subcommittee on Education and Economic Development meets to discuss a variety of issues, including the Interagency Committee on School Construction.  1:30pm in room 145, House Office Building.
  • DLS will give a fiscal briefing to the House Health and Government Operations Committee.  2pm in room 240 in the House Office Building.
  • Senate Budget and Taxation Committee receives an update on health care reform, starting at 2:15pm.
Thursday, February 2nd
  • Happy Groundhog Day!  With the way this winter’s gone, it seems likely that groundhogs everywhere will predict a short season.  Please celebrate safely.
  • House Ways and Means Committee will be briefed on local aid by the Maryland Association of Counties, the Maryland Municipal League, and DLS.  11am in room 130, House Office Building.
  • DLS will give a fiscal briefing to the Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee at 1pm.
  • Senate Finance Committee will receive an update on Health Care Reform Implementation by the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange Board, also at 1pm.
  • House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation and the Environment will hold a budget hearing with an overview of the Chesapeake Bay.  1pm in room 120, House Office Building.
Friday, February 3rd
  • Senate Budget and Taxation Subcommittee on Health and Human Services will hold a budget hearing on the Maryland Health Insurance Plan, among other topics.  1pm in the Amoss Room, Miller Senate Office Building.
  • House Appropriations Committee will hold a budget hearing on the Maryland Department of Transportation, and public debt.  1pm in room 120, House Office Building.

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